How to Use Slots in UI Components

Slots allow a component to accept dynamic content and render it in a specific location in the component's template known as a slot outlet. This makes a component more flexible and reusable. It also reduces the number of data props a child component needs to take in, which helps keep the code cleaner and more manageable. Daftar Fomototo

To use slots, a parent component binds its own data property to the slot name of a child component. Then, the slot> element in the child component is replaced with the value of that data property, resulting in a custom rendered slot in the child's DOM. For example, if the child's slot data is 'header', then it will replace the existing header element in the child's DOM with the data property's value. This gives the appearance that the 'header' is part of the overall structure of the child component.

A slot can contain a number of different elements, but the key is that it must be an item with a specific slot attribute value, which matches the name of the slot in the parent component. This enables the parent to direct any content it likes into a particular place in the child's DOM using the v-slot directive.

Named slots are the preferred option when a certain area within a component requires customization by the parent, and it's a simple way to do so. Here, the parent component can direct any content into the named 'custom-actions' slot by using the v-slot directive. The custom-actions slot will get the 'like' and 'dislike' buttons from the child, enabling bidirectional communication between the two components.

Another useful feature of slots is that they can be used to define default content for a given section of a UI. This can be particularly helpful when a specific type of component is going to be used in various contexts with different types of data. In the above example, the default slot will get any items that are not explicitly'slotted' into any named slots.

Dynamic slots are an incredibly powerful tool for adding a lot of flexibility to a UI with little additional overhead. They can be used for a variety of use cases, from adding a simple date picker to a component to providing users with the ability to personalize its appearance. They are also a great way to create reusable UIs by making the components modular and easier to maintain.